Travel Information for CSI Midwest
Planning on traveling to CSI Midwest? All the information you need for your housing, airfare, and ground transportation found here!
Housing & Travel Information
On-Campus housing provided by Bethel University is available for the evenings of June 8, 9, and 10 only. Reservations can be made on the CSI Midwest registration page. The deadline to book your on-campus housing is June 3, 2024. The on-campus rate is $50/night for a double occupancy room with a shared restroom. On-campus housing is very much in the style of band camp. The University will provide bed lines, towel, and wash cloth. You will provide your own toiletries, including hand soap, and might also consider an additional pillow, towel, and/or blanket.
For those who wish to stay in a hotel, the Hampton Inn & Suites has offered CSI Midwest attendees a special rate of $99 per night. This special rate ends May 6th, 2023. To book a room here, call 574-243-4600 and mention Conn Selmer Institute.
Two airports serve the Mishawaka area - South Bend International Airport, Midway and O'Hare International Airports. Should you fly to and from Chicago Midway (approx. 90 minutes from Mishawaka), please keep in mind that Chicago is on Central Time and Bethel University is on Eastern Time as this will impact travel plans.
Ground Transportation
Mishawaka has a number of convenient ground travel options available. In addition to ride share apps Lyft and Uber, there are ground travel companies as well. They include Mishawaka Taxi Service (574-607-4750), Eagle Transportation Services (574-287-6666) and Blue Ribbon Taxi (574-233-4040). We cannot recommend National Car Rentals (844-914-1556) enough - we have only ever received the best customer experience with them, although there are several other rental car companies to choose from located at the South Bend Airport as well.